HBAC and VBAC are acronyms for trials of labor after a cesarean birth. HBAC stands for home birth after cesarean and VBAC stands for vaginal birth after cesarean. They are TOLACs or trial of labor after cesarean. These are valid options for women who have had a previous surgical birth and are opting for an unmedicated, intervention free birth.

Cesarean scar, VBAC

Benefits of TOLAC

According to ACOG, a trial of labor after cesarean increases the chances of successful vaginal birth after cesarean and limiting the potential of complications following a repeat surgical birth such as bowl or bladder injury, significant blood loss, hysterectomy, and placental adherence issues in future pregnancies.

The recovery after a VBAC is significantly easier and shorter in duration in comparison to a repeat cesarean.


The main risk often repeated by providers is the risk of uterine rupture. It is important to note the statistics of uterine rupture as according to ACOG and other governing bodies is rare, less than 1%. Your midwife will obtain your medical history and review the type of cesarean procedure you had and your candidacy for TOLC.

Talk to your provider

Unfortunately, not every OB or Midwife supports VBAC or TOLC. And sometimes, even if you find a supportive OB, the hospital at which they have privileges to deliver may not allow for VBACs in their policy. If you are considering a TOLC, speak to your provider about your goals and plans, and don’t hesitate to get a second opinion or find a different provider who is supportive of your goals.


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Preparing for your home birth