Wholistic Birth & Wellness
Dedicated to providing quality, wholistic care, through pregnancy, birth and beyond. Offering home birth, water birth, VBACs, and more.
ABOUT Wholistic Birth & Wellness
Midwives and lactation consultants serving the Santa Clarita Valley, Simi Valley, San Fernando Valley and East Ventura County.

Our Services
Midwifery Care
Holistic, client-centered, empowered birth services. All of your prenatal, birth, postpartum and lactation care in one package.
Lactation support
As International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) we are experts in breastfeeding, pumping, and bottle feeding.

Midwives are experts in physiological childbirth. We’re here to support you and your growing family.

Our Process
Prenatal Care
We see you on a normal obstetrical schedule: once per month until 28 weeks, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, with weekly visits from 36 weeks until delivery. We order your lab work and ultrasounds. We even offer in house ultrasounds and non-stress tests.
Labor & Birth
Natural birth, water birth, and TOLAC/VBACs in the comfort of your own home. Your midwives are on call 24/7, offering continuous labor support and empowerment as you deliver your baby.
Postpartum & Lactation
We see you at home 24-48 hours after birth, then in office at 7 days, 3 weeks and 6 weeks including all newborn exams and full spectrum lactation support as international board certified lactation consultants.
“She was so empowering as she helped me through labor, constantly lifting my spirits.” ~ Camryn W.